Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why a blog? Why now?

"Never have so many had so little to say to so few." - blogging quote

I'm usually pretty terrible at making new year's resolutions. Mainly because there's a lot of pressure to keep them & make them work. So instead I like to keep a running list of things I'd like to do - not just in January, but always. Less pressure. The freedom to dream. The right to always add to "the list." It makes the whole process much easier.

A year ago, in January 2010, Todd & I found out we'd be moving to Apex. There's no need to rehash all the stories & emotions that came along with that move a year ago, but I'd thought of creating a blog then. To account for picking up & moving from Atlanta, Todd starting a new job, me transferring with my company (which may as well have been a new job), & starting our lives in NC. But I didn't. Partly because I didn't think I'd do a great job of controlling my emotions well enough for all to read, & partly because - let's be honest - who would want to read a blog about the Arants? But now - this year - I've decided we'll have a blog. We'll keep up with friends & family, I'll get to write & rant - no pressure to read it, but it's here if you want to.

I told Todd what I was doing - & the first thing he said was the quote at the beginning of this post. "Never have so many had so little to say to so few." It made me laugh. So here we are - joining the millions & writing a blog. We hope you'll follow if you want to. Remember - no pressure. :)

Cheers to the new year & new beginnings!


  1. I love the Arants! And enough people have read my blog that I can return the favor, not to mention I love blogs :) Happy New Year!!!

  2. Yay for blogging! I am so happy yall are going to have a blog! Love you!!!

  3. KATIE HAUTAMAKI wants to read a blog about the Arants! So fun, thanks for sharing!
